Monday, January 12, 2009

1895 Marriage of Alfred Ernest Hall and Bridget Ann Moloney

The marriage for Alfred Ernest Hall and Bridget Ann Moloney took place in 1895 at St Vincent de Paul's Catholic Church in Redfern NSW. Bridget's father John Moloney lived at 110 Pitt St Redfern, and several of his children married in this church.

Alfred was born in Yass NSW in 1870, but moved to Sydney as a young man, matriculated at Sydney University on 11 Apr 1890 and graduated with a BA degree on 8 Apr 1893. By the time Alfred was married two years later, he lived in Grafton NSW where he was a school teacher, 600 km north of Sydney. By late 1896 when their first son Norman was born, Alfred and Bridget were living in Dubbo.

As Bridget was under 21, her father had to approve her marriage. The witnesses were Mary Moloney, Bridget's sister, and Marino Petrich, who married Mary in the subsequent year. Marino Petrich was from Austria originally, and was abt 40 years Mary's senior.

1895 Hall Moloney marriage

NSW Marriage Certificate, 1895/003771

Date and place of marriage: 1895 17th April, St Vincent de Paul's Church, Redfern

Name and surname: Alfred Ernest Hall
Conjugal status: Bachelor
Birthplace: Yass NSW
Usual occupation: School Teacher
Age: -
Usual place of residence: Grafton
Father's name: William Hall
Mother's name and maiden name: Eliza Bliss
Father's occupation: Farmer

Name and surname: Bridget Ann Moloney
Conjugal status: Spinster
Birthplace: Redfern
Usual occupation: Lady
Age: under 21 years
Usual place of residence: Redfern
Father's name: John Moloney
Mother's name and maiden name: -
Father's occupation: -

Married in the St Vincent de Paul's church Redfern
According to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church
The consent of John Molony being the Father of the Bride, was given in writing to the Marriage of Alfred Ernest Hall with Bridget Ann Moloney, the said Bridget Ann Moloney being under the age of twenty-one years.

This marriage was solemnized between us
Alfred Ernest Hall
Bridget Ann Moloney

In the presence of us:
Marino Petrich
Mary Moloney

Fr. O'Regan Officiating Minister

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